April 2017
I’m not really sure how this happened, but somehow Spring Break has come and gone! In the blink of an eye the first quarter of 2017 has disappeared. Since things around here never slow down, here are some of the upcoming activities at ACI…..
Beginning the week of Monday, April 17th, du Jour will be open for dinner service again. Dinner will be served most Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays for the nine week period following our return from Spring Break. The class sizes in the restaurant will be small, meaning we will be limiting our reservations, so call and reserve your spot…..use that 50% student discount!
Our next Open House will be on Saturday, April 29th, from 9am until noon. We are planning on this being another ACI Friends and Family day. Some of the festivities include: Chef Rigollet will be preparing burgers and all the fixins’ for everyone in attendance, Chef Newton will have her kitchen set-up to do sugar cookie decorating for all the kiddos, Chef Wolf will be teaching a Veteran Culinary Boot-camp class on vegetable cookery, plus a lot more! Regardless, we want to make this an event that you can bring your family and friends to so that you can show off your school, so bring the whole crew!
We recently had our first Advisory Board Meeting of 2017. Good news: none of the members on the board had anything bad to say about the technical training our students receive while at ACI. They agreed that our students are being released into the industry with the technical tools they need to be successful. The biggest frustrations from the board were pertaining to the level of Professionalism that exists in the industry among-st candidates applying for jobs. The best advice I can relay to you from the meeting is this: The biggest things employers are looking for today are the soft-skills, such as dependability, professionalism, work ethic, good attitude, patients, willingness to learn, etc. That’s the million dollar secret my friends! Possessing those skills is going to give you a significant advantage out there in the industry.
That’s it for now. Enjoy your Spring!
Chef Christopher Wolf, ccc, cce, csw, cpi
Executive Chef, Arizona Culinary Institute